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New Study on the Dangers of Soft Drinks (Maybe Not?)

September 11, 2019

The publication recently, in JAMA Internal Medicine (a highly ranked and respected internal medicine journal), of a paper titled “Association Between Soft Drink Consumption and Mortality in 10 European Countries“ (this link will take you to the abstract but not the fulltext) will likely lead to a number of brief and potentially inaccurate articles in the lay press, possibly on TV, and definitely on social media.

If you are interested in this topic, and the bigger topic of how papers can be misinterpreted, and most importantly, how "association" does not prove "causation", then I encourage you to read this paper, by a world expert, in understanding, misinterpretations, medical literature in general, and especially some of the more common so called "health topics" :


Feel free to explore this website.  It is one of my favorites in terms of "de-bunking" false claims, false websites, and discussing a variety of so called alternative and complementary treatments.  There is a lot to learn, for all of us, in how to understand and interpret the "latest" medical news.  This topic is essentially "health literacy", which requires much more effort for all of us, for society, for scientists, and for educational institutions everywhere.

You might find the following links helpful, and also amusing:


and Dr Gunter's new series, on CBC Gem, in which episode 5 discusses, in 12 minutes, how to interpret online medical advice:


The other go-to expert about online medical advice, complementary and alternative treatment, and especially stemcell therapies, is Dr. Tim Caulfield, from Edmonton Health Law Institute, and he has a series on Netflix, "A User's Gudie to Cheating Death". :
